Associating Children to Environment Profiles

Associating Children to Environment Profiles

When creating or editing an environment profile, users may associate children with the environment.

Note: Child profiles to associate must be created before associating them to environments.
Associating children with the environment profile

Associating children with the environment profile

To associate child profiles with an environment profile:

  1. Click “Environment Data” in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click “Search Environment Data”.
  3. Locate the environment profile to associate children to.
  4. Click the pencil icon under the “Action” column to edit.
  5. Click the “Choose Associated Children” button near the bottom of the form.
  6. A search grid of child profiles appears.
  7. Select the children to associate with this environment by clicking the check box next to each child in this environment.
  8. Click the “Select” button.
  9. The selected children now appear in the “Associated Children” section of the profile.
  10. Click “Save” to save the newly associated children to the environment profile.