3- Clients by Household Income and LEP Status

The section below contains information about one of the tabs in the Family Planning (FP) Report.

Reminder: For each visit, a KDHE Program Visit Form – Adult and a Service Form must be completed with matching Date of Activity and the correct program selection to ensure that all clients/visits are counted in reports. If there is no KDHE Program Visit Form – Adult with Family Planning selected for the Program that matches the Date of Activity for a client, their information will not be included in this report.
Note: Instructions for accessing underlying client level data and downloading PDF versions of reports are available in the DAISEY TA Brief “Using Reports for Quality Assurance”.

3- Clients by Household Income and LEP Status

Unduplicated Clients by Income Level as a Percentage of the HHS Poverty Guidelines

Unduplicated Clients by Income Level as a Percentage of the HHS Poverty Guidelines

Data Source

Unduplicated Clients by Income Level as a Percentage of the HHS Poverty Guidelines is calculated from ‘Annual Household Income’ and ‘Household Size’ on the most recent KDHE Program Visit Form within the selected date range for clients who have ‘Family Planning’ listed as ‘Program’ and a FP Service Form with a matching date of activity.

Form: KDHE Program Visit Form

  • Household Size
  • Annual Household Income

Form: FP Service Form

  • Date of Activity

Troubleshooting Tip

This is an unduplicated count of clients.

Household poverty is calculated based on current federal poverty guidelines.

Only percent of federal poverty level categories that are in the data are represented on the chart.

Instances where the client has no information about income or refuses to provide their income information should be reported as six 9s (999999). Instances of five 9s or seven or more 9s will be interpreted as incomes and grouped accordingly in the data.

If Household Size is entered as a number larger than 12 or a dollar sign ($) is entered in the Annual Income field, that client will be counted in the Invalid Data category. This data should be corrected to ensure good quality of data in this report.

Unduplicated Clients by Limited English Proficiency Status

Unduplicated Clients by Limited English Proficiency Status

Data Source

Unduplicated Clients by Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Status is calculated from ‘Limited English Proficiency’ on the Caregiver Adult Profile for clients who have a FP Service Form during the date range.

Form: Caregiver Adult Profile

  • Limited English Proficiency

Form: FP Service Form

  • Date of Activity

Troubleshooting Tip

This is an unduplicated count of clients.