21- Children Immunized and KBH

The section below contains information about one of the tabs in the Teen Pregnancy Targeted Case Management (TPTCM) Service Report.

Reminder: For each visit a KDHE Program Visit Form and a Service Form must be completed with matching Date of Activity and the correct program selection to ensure that all clients/visits are counted in reports.
Note: Instructions for accessing underlying client level data and downloading PDF versions of reports are available in the DAISEY TA Brief “Using Reports for Quality Assurance”.

21- Children Immunized and KBH

Children Immunized and KBH

Children Immunized and KBH

Data Source

Children Immunized and KBH is calculated from ‘Number of children in the family who are current on immunizations and Kan Be Healthy (EPSDT)’ on the TPTCM Service Form during the most recent visit in the date range.

Form: TPTCM Service Form

  • Number of children in the family who are current on immunizations and Kan Be
  • Healthy (EPSDT)

Troubleshooting Tip

Total Children in this report is the total number of children reported by age group on the TPTCM Service Form.  For information on how this is calculated, see the Age of Children in Households of Clients Served Report in the Client Demographic Information Section of this guide.