16- Infants Placed for Adoption by Mother Age Group

The section below contains information about one of the tabs in the Teen Pregnancy Targeted Case Management (TPTCM) Service Report.

Reminder: For each visit a KDHE Program Visit Form and a Service Form must be completed with matching Date of Activity and the correct program selection to ensure that all clients/visits are counted in reports.
Note: Instructions for accessing underlying client level data and downloading PDF versions of reports are available in the DAISEY TA Brief “Using Reports for Quality Assurance”.

16- Infants Placed for Adoption by Mother Age Group

Data Source

Infant Placed for Adoption is calculated from ‘Infant placed for adoption?’ and ‘Age of mother at time of adoptive placement’ selected on the TPTCM Service Form with a date of adoptive placement during the date range.

Form: TPTCM Service Form

  • Infant placed for adoption?
  • Date of adoptive placement
  • Age of mother at time of adoptive placement

Troubleshooting Tip

A blank date range, and no report appearing indicates that there are no adoptions yet in the data set. For example, currently in this report, there are no infants placed for adoption in the data, and thus, the chart will appear blank until there is an infant placed for adoption entered on a TPTCM Service Form.

The ‘Age of mother at time of adoptive placement’ field on the TPTCM Service form is a numeric text field (not a drop down menu) so there is always the possibility of a data entry mistake or typo. If you notice something that looks odd in the report, double check the age typed into this field on the TPTCM Service form and make corrections if necessary to ensure a high quality of data for this report.